Distribution de serviettes hygiéniques Déesse Padma

Chronology of the partnership with the University of Lille

Things are moving in France.

This is why we want you to discover our partnership with the University of Lille and to highlight why a university is led to buy sanitary protection for its students.

In 2019, Marie Aichagui, founder of Déesse Padma (formerly called BeautyWaps) discovers an interview with Sandrine Rousseau, vice-president of the University of Lille, in which she describes how she organized a free distribution of sanitary napkins and tampons in March 2019 with female students.

The idea is great, but why not include reusable protections in these distributions?

This is indeed what will be done a few months later, after several contacts with Sandrine Rousseau, BeautyWaps becomes a partner of the second distribution with its washable sanitary napkins. They are proven and the demand is so high that the 200 sets of six washable sanitary napkins are distributed within 15 minutes.

In the following months, student feedback was positive and the university decided to increase the number of sanitary products in the next distribution, which would include disposable pads, tampons, menstrual cups and washable sanitary napkins.

Déesse Padma wins the January 2020 public contract to supply washable sanitary napkins.